Read Baidoa Lecture and Jama Mosque

Lecture about Baidoa Peace of Allah be up on you, in the name of Allah the most merciful the most compassionate. Brothers and sisters today I want to talk about a very important thing which is all about Baidoa city. First before I commence my topic who knows Baidoa? Let me answer this variable question. Baidoa is a strategic city which connects Somalia and other neighbour countries, such as: Kenya and Ethiopia. Baidoa is a very beautiful city. Baidoa has got many different roads. Baidoa has got long and short beautiful buildings. Inside Baidoa you can see mosques and Islamic religion schools. There are many different primary and high schools. Baidoa welcomes and helps everyone. If you wanna know more about Baidoa visit Baidoa city is my city I enjoy staying in Baidoa. And everyone will enjoy staying in Baidoa. Baidoan people love each other and help each other. Baidoan people have the real Somali culture and they are v...